Implementasi Algoritma K-Means Untuk Mengelompokkan Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Berdasarkan Sumber Belajarnya
Students must be able to utilize learning resources properly to improve academic achievement. Students can be grouped based on the learning resources they use frequently. Grouping results are helpful for lecturers in designing, evaluating, and analyzing learning in the classroom. This research aimed to implement the K-Means algorithm to classify student learning resources and determine which learning resources determine which groups. The population of this research were students of the Mathematics Education study program at Mulawarman University who are still taking courses. At the same time, the sample were active students from classes 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 of the Mathematics Education Study Program at Universitas Mulawarman who were still taking courses and were willing to fill out the questionnaire, namely as many as 111 Students. The data analysis used was clustering analysis using the K-Means algorithm with the Elbow method. New dummy data was formed from learning resource data because it was multiple choice. Based on the results, three main groups were obtained according to the use of learning resources. The learning resources that determine the distribution of groups were electronic books and journals. The first group used electronic books and journals, while the third group did not use either. While the second group only used electronic books. The Silhouette value for this cluster model was 0.615. The classification was classified as good.
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