This training activity was carried out as an effort to address the challenge which stated that the biggest producer of job seekers, namely SMK, SMK schools in the Cilaku Cianjur District together with UNPI Cianjur and Gippams Academy carried out training activities as a series of work skills training programs (STP) activities for Alumni candidates which were continued with the Competency Test (CT) so that the training activities are more comprehensive, the methods used in this activity apply the pre and post tests, so that the activities carried out go well, then follow the standard operating procedure (SOP) for UNPI Cianjur service. The result or good impact for prospective SMK alumni understands and is able to do 3D designs using AutoCAD software, and it is evident from the results of observations that 95% of the training participants are able to understand the material and are able to complete case studies very well and the remaining 5% have the same abilities but do not get the 100% correct score from the results of post test observations but the design results carried out are as good as the other participants. Based on this service experience, training should be carried out regularly.
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